What is the secret to ruling the word? There is a reason this question is one of the big ones in philosophy; whoever can figure out the answer becomes the king of the world. Able to shape the world into whatever they want. Answers ranging from as broad as “ultimately God is the main character, obviously he rules the world,” to as narrow as “the world is ruled by money,” or as ridiculous as “the world is ruled by this or that demographic” (looking at you internet). There are many answers to this question. However I feel Napoleon Bonaparte summed it up the best.
“Imagination rules the world.”

Napoleon, born to Italian parents on a French island, was never destined to be anything more than (at best) an under-appreciated tactician. And yet he went on to not only lead France against 5 other countries combined, but get exiled, come back, and turn every man sent to arrest him into a new army! How? He appealed to the imaginations of the French people. When he spoke, they stopped seeing the misery of their current condition (France was a mess both times he appeared to take power) and instead saw France as it could be. His men saw themselves as he saw them: an unbeatable force that could defeat any nation that dared challenge them. Napoleon Lead his men to victory after impossible victory because he had already fought and won the battle in their imaginations, and in the imaginations of his enemies as well.
Imagination is the raw fuel that inspires the body to push itself farther than it could alone, inspires the heart in what to pursue, and inspires the mind to think of new possibilities. It’s easier to stick with a diet and exercise plan if you can imagine yourself in shape. It’s hard not to ask a woman to marry you if you can’t imagine your life without her. And it’s easier to achieve goals if you can imagine the steps it’ll take to get to get to where you want to be. However, what happens if your imagination comes under attack? You could become destroyed from within. What was once propelling you to great heights is now causing you to burn out and crash.
Let me show you.

There is a cultural movement attacking the western world right now. This movement goes by many flags and many names. Its goal is to make you selfish and weak while tricking you into thinking you are altruistic and brave. Its officers push their soldiers to not only degrade themselves, but tear down all standards of decency. Their manifesto is “letting others destroy themselves for their own pleasure is loving”. “Anyone who has become successful has only done so by taking advantage of me”. And most sinister of all, “A child is a burden, so I must sacrifice them for their sake and mine”.
This movement is known as humanism, and it is a barbarian ransacking our home right now as we speak.

Now, the above examples for humanism are most definitely not in their own words, and if you want to accuse me of straw-manning the other side, you absolutely could. Before you do though, I want you to try to convince me that, based off of humanism’s fruit, what I said is not what they mean when they say “my body, my choice,” “eat the rich,” or “love has no labels.” Then again, if you are reading this article, you and I are likely on the same page on this matter; even if you are uncomfortable with the quiet part being said out loud.
What exactly is it that has made humanism so widespread? Is it the foot soldiers who cary out the will of humanism? No. Most of them have experienced horrendous trauma, either directly or by association, and while they were vulnerable were converted to this ideology. In truth, I pray for them daily, for they too are made in the image of God, and Christ died for them as well. Is it the officers who perpetuate and trick others to falling in to the snare of humanism? While they are an issue, they typically don’t believe in humanism. Their god is greed, and the only thing they care about is making money. Well surely the problem must be the manifesto of humanism? You are close, however, in order for an idea to take over a society, it has to first win the battle in the debatable land of human imagination.
And it is hard to win on a battlefield you and your army have abandoned.

No, the real problem is Christians have surrendered the Imagination of our world, so that we can hide and wait for deliverance. Sure, we may go out into the world, but we in our cowardice and fear refuse to say, “What you are doing is evil, and I will not silently watch it happen!” Because if we do, the enemy will try to take everything from us. We don’t trust God to provide for us if we were to we stand firm on his foundation like the disciples of the early church. We have forgotten that once we are saved, even death is no longer something to fear! There is nothing on this earth more valuable than the souls of mankind. Do you truly hate your fellow man so much that you will not try to plant the seeds needed to save their souls? Do you truly not value your salvation enough to share it with someone who is in so much pain that it has twisted their view of what love is to the point that that true love feels like hot coals being heaped upon their heads?
To quote our enemy, silence is violence, and I will not be complicit.
So. How do we take back our homes? How do we take over this world and make disciples of all nations? Simple. We stop trying to play defense, and march on the field of battle once more. And the greatest battlefield of all is the battle for the human imagination. How do we wage war in the imagination? We do not do this with marches or protests, and we do not do this with riots. Consider and contrast the 2020 “summer of love” and 2021’s January 6. One wave of riots was branded as “mostly peaceful demonstrations” that cost around 2 billion dollars of insured damages, and has since been cast into the memory hole of society. The other was “an attack upon our democracy,” and we have not shut up about it since. Why is that? Because one side didn’t fight on the battlefield of the imagination. The enemy won by default, and therefore got to control the narrative for both events.

Satan and his demons currently dominate this battlefield. Monoliths of record studies deploying legions of pop stars to make our children think twerking and sexual degeneracy is cool. Their poets write psalms declaring the perverted glory of taking your autonomy back by murdering an infant before they are born. Their artists paint pictures declaring that beauty is dead, and that only the ugly and twisted may be considered valuable. However, by becoming the mainstream, they have made a large tactical error. They have made themselves the targets of their own demographic. The rebellious youth are starting to realize that what was once raging against the machine has become raging for the machine. This is our opportunity to strike.

– George Orwell
All we have to do is present a new way to be a rebel.
That is what the Banquet and Ball is. It is rebellion against the darkness. Where the world seeks to twist and break, we seek to mend and heal. Where the world seeks to perpetuate perversion and murder, we seek to nurture virtue and life. Where the world seeks to destroy your beauty, we seek to show you that you are beautiful, no matter how badly Satan has tried to hide you from your own eyes. We have endured enough damage inflicted by an enemy that was defeated by Christ about 2000 years ago. Satan’s goal is to hurt the heart of the father by attempting to pervert and destroy his creation. It’s time for us to remind him that through Christ, there are no wounds that can’t be healed. No hearts that cannot be mended, and no souls that are beyond redemption.
And if you want to experience it, I will see you at the Ball.