Banquet and Ball is my favorite event of the year—hands down, full stop, bar none. Yakima’s most unique and beautiful event first changed my life in 2018, when I learned what honor truly meant and how people should interact with each other as the Church, the body of Christ. The 2019 event came at a challenging turning point in my life, and that year I learned the power of choice. 2020 brought a powerful story of ongoing redemption. 2021 taught me the importance of living in the moment. 2022 showed how victory can be won through hardship, pain and stress, and that, despite those obstacles, beauty and majesty and the power of God shine through in the end. 2023 brought the most joy I have ever felt, and that scintillating and vibrant joy still remains with me now almost 2 weeks later.
If you are my friend, I want more than anything to experience Banquet and Ball with you so I can interact with you at the highest level possible this side of heaven. If you aren’t my friend yet, I still want to walk this journey with you for the same reason. It’s intimidating, it’s awe-inspiring. It reminds me continually of the glory, majesty, power and terrifying beauty of the God that we serve. I will always make the time and set aside the funds to attend and, if possible, help run this event we call Banquet and Ball. It’s worth it. Join us and watch the demons shudder in terror, because this little piece of heaven on earth is that powerful. And the gates of hell will not prevail against it.